Kitchen Window
some thoughts:
- plants would be fine (hardy ones).
- this would be a good place for cacti because my kids can't reach it.
- something that the sun can shine through--vases, a mobile?
and while we're at it, i'm looking to replace that quote thing hanging above the window. it was given to me and i don't care for it. (i do care for the words of a prophet, just not in this form.)
Nice big kitchen....
I vote for herbs in potted plants that you can use for cooking. And maybe a piece of art hanging on the sidewall of the deep windowsill.
I like the idea of colorful vintage vases, my aunt did that with some of her windows that get a lot of sun and it's really pretty. I say do a mix of green, blue and white (those are my favorite colors to decorate with though, so may be a bit biased)
I prefer things simple though, so if I were going to "clutter" the windowsill w/ vases I wouldn't let there be clutter elsewhere in the kitchen or nearby the windowsill.
P.s. great idea for your blog, I should do that with my blog too. Oh well that's why I read Jordan's.
definitely herbs in potted plants. great idea. you can get them at ikea and sometimes target. hi katie! i'm jared's wife.
I know just the thing! There are beautiful glass lanterns as TJmaxx. I wanted to buy one but didn't have anywhere to display it. Fortunantly you have the opposite delema. :)
I always love it when I see cool glass bottles filled with brightly colored water or just colorful bottles. I saw someone who had a bottle for each color in the color wheel--it looked fantastic and so cheerful in a sunny window.
To make it cute and functional: buy your favorite color of dishsoap and put it in a pretty glass bottle--maybe one with a spout.
I definitely like the view that you have from your kitchen. If you want to keep your view unobstructed but limit the amount of sun from coming in during the day, you should consider professionally applying a 3M film to your windows. This will cut down the UV by about 50% and reduce the heat & glare Then, you don't have to worry about damaging any objects that you choose to display.
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